On top of continuing to fund 3 hospitals, Angels has provided additional support another 1 health care facility.
We are proud to have achieved the following:
- Provided new laptops and sewing machines to provided to Mtendere Women’s Empowerment Centre
- Installation of a new, mobile generator for Nkhamenya Community Hospital
- New Ambulance and PPE provided to Bembeke Medical Centre
- One anesthetist placed at Mtendere Community Hospital
- Donated new facilities to St Joseph’s Community Hospital outpatient facility
Mtendere Community Hospital
Since first working with Mtendere in 2008, we have realised how vital engaging the many villages within their catchment area is. It brings the hospital’s services to directly to the people that need them.
We liaised with the Spanish charity Africa Directo and between us, under the direction of the Hospital Management Team fund the programmes that have the biggest impact on the local community. These include; Malaria Prevention, Health Education through Drama, Youth, Reproductive Health and the hugely successful Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV, maintaining its 99% success rate for the third year. Our funding of the MTEWEC, (Mtendere Women’s Empowerment Centre) has continued and we have sent extra funds for more sewing machines and computers.
Sadly, the tree planting programme, initiated in 2019 by the Youth Groups for their environment and to fight climate change, had to be paused due to the school closures in Malawi caused by Covid. We continue to monitor the situation and will take advice from the hospital as to when this programme can be reinstated.
The Land Cruiser ambulance and hospital generator provided by Angels continues to be maintained and serviced annually by the charity.
Our Girls’ hostel is thriving and we are grateful to have received funding for a covered kitchen facility and a concrete courtyard which will prevent the mud reaching the inside of the hostel during the rainy season.
Nkhamenya Community Hospital
The bakery is now running and providing a considerable income for the hospital, which was our long -term intention. As at Mtendere, both the tree planting and the plastics recycling programmes have been paused due to Covid.
Angels International funded a small mobile generator for the Youth Group’s outreach initiatives. In addition, it will be used by Plan International for their youth work within Nkhamenya’s catchment area.
The hospital generator provided by Angels continues to be maintained and serviced annually by the charity.
St Joseph’s Community Hospital
The Angels International Guardian Shelter now has an adequate supply of mattresses and has shelves on each of the four walls to give the guardians somewhere to put their cooking utensils and other personal belongings keeping them safe during their time caring for pregnant relatives at the hospital. There is also a racking facility to house all the new mattresses giving the women more room during the daytime.
The Outpatients facility has had some extra rooms added and furnished, to accommodate the extra patients arriving daily from neighboring Mozambique.
The Land Cruiser ambulance provided by Angels continues to be maintained and serviced by the charity on an annual basis.
St Annie’s at Bembeke
We received a desperate plea for transport from our friend and colleague Sister Kankota who had been transferred to Bembeke Health Centre. This very remote health facility was losing many patients due to a lack of any vehicle to transfer patients to the local district hospital. Angels International, with the help of one of our most loyal donors was able to supply a Landcruiser ambulance to Bembeke.
Despite most of the population of the UK being vaccinated against Covid, Malawi’s population remain mainly unprotected and as such the trustees decided not to travel to visit both our programmes and our partners. We have received regular updates and photos from all our partnered hospitals, leaving us confident that our funding remains safe and more than ever necessary to the medical teams and their catchment populations.
We have provided more funding for PPE when it has been requested from our general funds.